3 Ways to Get the Most Out of the Route to SuccessWe are all so goal-driven, aren’t we? In the beginning, adrenaline kicks in and the grind begins. Focusing solely on the goal, the tenacity is at its peak, guiding through the way. Realistically, sometimes achieving goals may take a little longer than expected, causing discipline to wane and tenacity to decrease. No one thinks about how much “getting there” can weigh one down. The usual advice to keep going despite can grow tiresome. Yes, motivation is needed, however, what is left to do when the road to success gets too rocky? With a change in how the journey is interpreted, the road to goals won’t have to be so mentally muddy. What is often forgotten during the fight is that many rewards are given along the way, not just at the end. How do we switch that mindset and get the fight in us back? One great way is to narrow in on the journey in itself. There are always steps and/or levels to master when working towards a goal. Focus on and appreciate those steps. Here are three ways to help shift the mindset from driving fast toward an accomplishment to understanding, enjoying, and learning during the route to success. “Grab hold to the experience of it all to light your path.” 1. Ask: What do I want to experience? Nothing happens by accident, whether it's an observation or an encounter, things find us on our path for a purpose. By fully diving into the experience, small wins are much more satisfactory. Identifying what you want to experience can help achieve mini goals and provide the necessary resources/skills for the future. Perhaps you wanted to work with a key player in your field OR find a way to learn from them through panel sessions and workshops. Most entrepreneurs have worked jobs they hated to make ends meet. During that process, many who worked those odd/bad shaped them for their business endeavors. Grab hold to the experience of it all to light your path. 2. Be open to complementary possibilities/ventures. Sarting out with only one plan is normal. But if you’re feeling a shift, it's okay to explore to see where it leads. A complementary venture may take you from singing to acting or dancing. In building a business you may start with one product and find that you’re good at a service as well which could lead to building an even bigger brand. You never know how things will come full circle if you don’t follow the course. It is very possible to stay focused on a goal while trying something different. Even if it flops, you’ll be able to apply the lesson(s) learned. When deciding on a career, I started out wanting to be a Marketing Executive. I earned the degrees and did the internships, and once I finally got my foot in the door, things shifted. I was introduced to the world of digital marketing and web production. Being open to this change allowed me to learn amazing skills that helped me professionally and within my entrepreneurial activities. Had I not been open, I wouldn’t have been able to be self-sufficient in building/maintaining websites, email campaigns, and other digital logistics that help a business/brand grow. 3. Switch the style up and try again. Every approach you take won’t be the correct one. Which is why we must try again. However, you may want to re-try with a different approach. Setbacks happen, rest up and clear your mind when needed. A new idea may come during the wait. Start from scratch OR write down your approach and find areas where you can tweak the daily activities. Watch documentaries or videos about how others found their way. It won’t be the blueprint but there is much-needed motivation in hearing how someone else tried one, two, seven, or ten times and WON! “While understanding one’s journey, notice the great stories, lessons, and experiences come from within the path, not the destination.” We always see the results of someone’s success. However, they too have had moments of fear and doubt that could have taken them out of the game. While understanding one’s journey, notice that great stories, lessons, and experiences come from within the path, not the destination. It's never easy but very worth it. Stay the course by refocusing your mind and how you view your route to accomplishments. The Blakk Dahlia (E. Alexcina Brown) is a New York City author/blogger from Macon, GA. Recently, she released the book series, the Heartbreak Diaries outlining different perspectives of heartbreak. The Dahlia Diaries is a lifestyle blog penned by The Blakk Dahlia, sharing her story in NYC along with life lessons and tips she's learned in her journey.
"I LOVE to write and create. These are the diaries of how I work and deal in my world of writing and LIFE!"
- The Blakk Dahlia from the Heartbreak Diaries Book Series
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